

BOOL CreateBitmapIndirect( LPBITMAP lpBitmap );



Points to a BITMAP structure that contains information about the bitmap.

The BITMAP structure has the following form:

typedef struct tagBITMAP {

int bmType;

int bmWidth;

int bmHeight;

int bmWidthBytes;

BYTE bmPlanes;

BYTE bmBitsPixel;

LPSTR bmBits;



Initializes a bitmap that has the width, height, and bit pattern (if one is specified) given in the structure pointed to by lpBitmap. Although a bitmap cannot be directly selected for a display device, it can be selected as the current bitmap for a memory device context by using CDC::SelectObject, or CMetaFileDC::SelectObject and copied to any compatible device context by using the CDC::BitBlt function.

When an application has finished using the bitmap initialized by CreateBitmapIndirect, it should select the bitmap out of the device context.

Return Value

TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE.

See Also

CDC::SelectObject, CMetaFileDC::SelectObject, CDC::BitBlt, ::CreateBitmapIndirect