MDIActivate |
Activates a different MDI child window. |
MDICascade |
Arranges all child windows in a cascade format. |
MDIGetActive |
Retrieves the current active MDI child window, along with a flag indicating whether the child is maximized or not. |
MDIIconArrange |
Arranges all minimized document child windows. |
MDIMaximize |
Maximizes an MDI child window. |
MDINext |
Activates the child window immediately behind the currently active child window and places the currently active child window behind all other child windows. |
MDIRestore |
Restores an MDI child window from maximized or minimized size. |
MDISetMenu |
Replaces the menu of an MDI frame window, the Window pop-up menu, or both. |
MDITile |
Arranges all child windows in a tiled format. |
GetChildFrame |
Returns the active MDI child. |