Create |
Creates and initializes the child window associated with the CWnd object. |
GetStyle |
Returns the current window style. |
Attach |
Attaches a Windows handle to a CWnd object. |
Detach |
Detaches a Windows handle from a CWnd object and returns the handle. |
FromHandle |
Returns a pointer to a CWnd object when given a handle to a window. If a CWnd object is not attached to the handle, a temporary CWnd object is created and attached. |
DeleteTempMap |
Called automatically by the CWinApp idle-time handler and deletes any temporary CWnd objects created by FromHandle. |
GetSafeHwnd |
Returns m_hWnd, or NULL if this is NULL. |
CloseWindow |
Minimizes CWnd. |
OpenIcon |
Activates and restores a minimized (iconic) CWnd. |
IsIconic |
Determines whether CWnd is minimized (iconic). |
IsZoomed |
Determines whether CWnd is maximized. |
MoveWindow |
Changes the position and/or dimensions of CWnd. |
SetWindowPos |
Changes the size, position, and ordering of child, pop-up, and top-level windows. |
ArrangeIconicWindows |
Arranges all the minimized (iconic) child windows. |
BringWindowToTop |
Brings CWnd to the top of a stack of overlapping windows. |
GetWindowRect |
Gets the screen coordinates of CWnd. |
GetClientRect |
Gets the dimensions of the CWnd client area. |
BeginPaint |
Prepares CWnd for painting and fills a PAINTSTRUCT data structure with information about the painting. |
EndPaint |
Marks the end of painting. |
GetDC |
Retrieves a display context for the client area. |
GetWindowDC |
Retrieves the display context for the whole window, including the caption bar, menus, and scroll bars. |
ReleaseDC |
Releases common and window device contexts, freeing them for use by other applications. |
UpdateWindow |
Updates the client area. |
SetRedraw |
Allows changes in CWnd to be redrawn or prevents changes from being redrawn. |
GetUpdateRect |
Retrieves the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the CWnd update region. |
GetUpdateRgn |
Retrieves the CWnd update region. |
Invalidate |
Invalidates the entire client area. |
InvalidateRect |
Invalidates the client area within the given rectangle by adding that rectangle to the update region. |
InvalidateRgn |
Invalidates the client area within the given region
by adding it to the current update region. |
ValidateRect |
Validates the client area within the given rectangle by removing the rectangle from the update region. |
ValidateRgn |
Validates the client area within the given region
by removing the region from the current update region. |
ShowWindow |
Shows or hides CWnd. |
IsWindowVisible |
Determines if the window is visible. |
ShowOwnedPopups |
Shows or hides all pop-up windows associated with the window. |
IsWindowEnabled |
Determines if the window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input. |
EnableWindow |
Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input. |
GetActiveWindow |
Retrieves the active window. |
SetActiveWindow |
Activates the window. |
GetCapture |
Retrieves the CWnd that has the mouse capture. |
SetCapture |
Causes all subsequent mouse input to be sent to the CWnd. |
GetFocus |
Retrieves the CWnd that currently has the input focus. |
SetFocus |
Assigns the input focus. |
SetSysModalWindow |
Makes CWnd a system-modal window. |
GetSysModalWindow |
Retrieves the system-modal CWnd if there is one. |
GetDesktopWindow |
Retrieves the Windows desktop window. |
CheckDlgButton |
Places a check mark next to or removes a check mark from a button control, or dims the button. |
CheckRadioButton |
Checks the specified radio button and removes the check mark from all other radio buttons in the specified group of buttons. |
GetCheckedRadioButton |
Returns the ID of the currently checked radio button in a group of buttons. |
DlgDirList |
Fills a list box with a file or directory listing. |
DlgDirListComboBox |
Fills the list box of a combo box with a file or directory listing. |
DlgDirSelect |
Retrieves the current selection from a list box. |
DlgDirSelectComboBox |
Retrieves the current selection from the list box of a combo box. |
GetDlgItem |
Retrieves the handle of a control contained in the specified dialog box. |
GetDlgItemInt |
Translates the text of a control in the given dialog box to an integer value. |
GetDlgItemText |
Retrieves the caption or text associated with a control. |
GetNextDlgGroupItem |
Searches for the previous (or next) control within a group of controls. |
GetNextDlgTabItem |
Retrieves the first control that has the WS_TABSTOP style and precedes (or follows) the specified control. |
IsDlgButtonChecked |
Determines whether a button control has a check mark next to it, and whether a three-state button control is dimmed, checked, or neither. |
SendDlgItemMessage |
Sends a message to the specified control. |
SetDlgItemInt |
Sets the text of a control to the string that represents an integer value. |
SetDlgItemText |
Sets the caption or text of a control in the specified dialog box. |
ChildWindowFromPoint |
Determines which, if any, of the child windows contains the specified point. |
FindWindow |
Returns the handle of the window, which is identified by its window name and class. |
GetNextWindow |
Searches for the next (or previous) window in the window-manager's list. |
GetTopWindow |
Searches for a top-level child window that belongs to the CWnd. |
GetWindow |
Searches for the specified window from the window-manager's list. |
GetLastActivePopup |
Determines which pop-up window owned by CWnd was most recently active. |
IsChild |
Indicates whether CWnd is a child window or other direct descendant of the specified window. |
GetParent |
Retrieves the parent window of CWnd (if any). |
SetParent |
Changes the parent window. |
WindowFromPoint |
Identifies the window that contains the given point. |
OnCommand |
Called when the user selects an item from a menu, when a control calls its parent's message handler, or when an access keystroke is translated. |
OnActivate |
Called when CWnd is being activated or deactivated. |
OnActivateApp |
Called when CWnd is about to be activated and CWnd belongs to a different task than the currently active window. |
OnCancelMode |
Called to allow CWnd to cancel any internal modes, such as mouse capture, if CWnd has the focus when a dialog box or message box is displayed. |
OnChildActivate |
Called whenever the size or position of CWnd changes if CWnd is a child window. |
OnClose |
Called as a signal that CWnd or an application will terminate. |
OnCreate |
Called when an application requests that CWnd be created. |
OnCtlColor |
Called when the control or message box is about to be drawn if CWnd is the parent of a system-defined control class or a message box. |
OnDestroy |
Called when CWnd is being destroyed. |
OnEnable |
Called when an application changes the enabled state of CWnd. |
OnEndSession |
Called when the session is ending. |
OnEnterIdle |
Called to inform an application's main window procedure that a modal dialog box or a menu is entering an idle state. |
OnEraseBkgnd |
Called when the background needs erasing. |
OnGetMinMaxInfo |
Called whenever Windows needs to know the maximized position or dimensions, or the minimum or maximum tracking size. |
OnIconEraseBkgnd |
Called when CWnd is being minimized (made iconic) and the background of the icon must be filled before painting the icon. |
OnKillFocus |
Called immediately before CWnd loses the input focus. |
OnMenuChar |
Called when the user presses a menu mnemonic character that doesn't match any of the predefined mnemonics in the current menu. |
OnMenuSelect |
Called when the user selects a menu item. |
OnMove |
Called after the position of CWnd has been changed. |
OnPaint |
Called when Windows or an application makes a request to repaint a portion of the window. |
OnPaintIcon |
Called when CWnd is minimized (iconic) and the icon is to be painted. |
OnParentNotify |
Called when a CWnd child window is created or destroyed, or when the user clicks a mouse button while the cursor is over the child window. |
OnQueryDragIcon |
Called when a minimized (iconic) CWnd is about to be dragged by the user (if CWnd does not have an icon defined for its class). |
OnQueryEndSession |
Called when the user chooses to end the Windows session, or when an application calls the ExitWindows Windows function. |
OnQueryNewPalette |
Informs CWnd that it is about to receive the input focus. |
OnQueryOpen |
Called when CWnd is an icon, and the user requests that the icon be opened. |
OnSetFocus |
Called after CWnd gains the input focus. |
OnShowWindow |
Called when CWnd is to be hidden or shown. |
OnSize |
Called after the size of CWnd has changed. |
OnNcActivate |
Called when the nonclient area needs to be changed to indicate an active or inactive state. |
OnNcCalcSize |
Called when the size of the client area needs to be calculated. |
OnNcCreate |
Called prior to OnCreate when the nonclient area is being created. |
OnNcDestroy |
Called when the nonclient area is being destroyed. |
OnNcHitTest |
Called by Windows every time the mouse is moved if CWnd contains the cursor, or has captured mouse input with SetCapture. |
OnNcLButtonDblClk |
Called when the user double-clicks the left mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnNcLButtonDown |
Called when the user presses the left mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnNcLButtonUp |
Called when the user releases the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnNcMButtonDblClk |
Called when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnNcMButtonDown |
Called when the user presses the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnNcMButtonUp |
Called when the user releases the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnNcMouseMove |
Called when the cursor is moved within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnNcPaint |
Called when the nonclient area needs painting. |
OnNcRButtonDblClk |
Called when the user double-clicks the right mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnNcRButtonDown |
Called when the user presses the right mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnNcRButtonUp |
Called when the user releases the right mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
OnSysChar |
Called when a keystroke translates to a system character. |
OnSysCommand |
Called when the user selects a command from the Control menu, or when the user selects the Maximize or Minimize button. |
OnSysDeadChar |
Called when a keystroke translates to a system dead character (such as accent characters). |
OnSysKeyDown |
Called when the user holds down the ALT key and then presses another key. |
OnSysKeyUp |
Called when the user releases a key that was pressed while the ALT key was held down. |
OnCompacting |
Called when Windows detects that system memory is low. |
OnDevModeChange |
Called for all top-level windows when the user changes device-mode settings. |
OnFontChange |
Called when the pool of font resources changes. |
OnPaletteChanged |
Called to allow windows that don't have the input focus and use a color palette to realize their logical palettes and update their client areas. |
OnSpoolerStatus |
Called from Print Manager whenever a job is added to or removed from the Print Manager queue. |
OnSysColorChange |
Called for all top-level windows when a change is made in the system color setting. |
OnTimeChange |
Called for all top-level windows after the system time changes. |
OnWinIniChange |
Called for all top-level windows after the Windows initialization file, WIN.INI, is changed. |
OnChar |
Called when a keystroke translates to a nonsystem character. |
OnDeadChar |
Called when a keystroke translates to a nonsystem dead character (such as accent characters). |
OnHScroll |
Called when the user clicks the horizontal scroll bar of CWnd. |
OnKeyDown |
Called when a nonsystem key is pressed. A nonsystem key is a keyboard key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed, or a keyboard key that is pressed when CWnd has the input focus. |
OnKeyUp |
Called when a nonsystem key is released. A nonsystem key is a keyboard key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed, or a keyboard key that is pressed when CWnd has the input focus. |
OnLButtonDblClk |
Called when the user double-clicks the left mouse button. |
OnLButtonDown |
Called when the user presses the left mouse button. |
OnLButtonUp |
Called when the user releases the left mouse button. |
OnMButtonDblClk |
Called when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button. |
OnMButtonDown |
Called when the user presses the middle mouse button. |
OnMButtonUp |
Called when the user releases the middle mouse button. |
OnMouseActivate |
Called when the cursor is in an inactive window and the user presses a mouse button. |
OnMouseMove |
Called when the mouse cursor moves. |
OnRButtonDblClk |
Called when the user double-clicks the right mouse button. |
OnRButtonDown |
Called when the user presses the right mouse button. |
OnRButtonUp |
Called when the user releases the right mouse button. |
OnSetCursor |
Called if mouse input is not captured and the mouse causes cursor movement within a window. |
OnTimer |
Called after each interval specified in SetTimer. |
OnVScroll |
Called when the user clicks the window's vertical scroll bar. |
OnAskCbFormatName |
Called by a Clipboard viewer application when a Clipboard owner will display the Clipboard contents. |
OnChangeCbChain |
Notifies that a specified window is being removed from the chain. |
OnDestroyClipboard |
Called when the Clipboard is emptied through a call to the EmptyClipboard Windows function. |
OnDrawClipboard |
Called when the contents of the Clipboard change. |
OnHScrollClipboard |
Called when a Clipboard owner will scroll the Clipboard image, invalidate the appropriate section, and update the scroll-bar values. |
OnPaintClipboard |
Called when the client area of the Clipboard viewer needs repainting. |
OnRenderAllFormats |
Called when the owner application is being destroyed and needs to render all its formats. |
OnRenderFormat |
Called for the Clipboard owner when a particular format with delayed rendering needs to be rendered. |
OnSizeClipboard |
Called when the size of the client area of the Clipboard-viewer window has changed. |
OnVScrollClipboard |
Called when the owner should scroll the Clipboard image, invalidate the appropriate section, and update the scroll-bar values. |
OnCharToItem |
Called by a child list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style in response to a WM_CHAR message. |
OnCompareItem |
Called to determine the relative position of a new item in a sorted owner-draw combo or list box. |
OnDeleteItem |
Called when an owner-draw list box or combo box is destroyed or when items are removed from the control by calls to CComboBox::DeleteString or CComboBox::ResetContent. |
OnDrawItem |
Called when a visual aspect of an owner-draw button control, combo box control, list box control, or menu needs to be drawn. |
OnGetDlgCode |
Called for a control so the control can process ARROW key and TAB key input itself, although Windows normally handles this input. |
OnMeasureItem |
Called for an owner-draw button, combo box, list box, or menu item when the control is created. CWnd informs Windows of the dimensions of the control. |
OnVKeyToItem |
Called by a list box owned by CWnd in response to a WM_KEYDOWN message. |