int GetLine( int nIndex, LPSTR lpBuffer ) const;
int GetLine( int nIndex, LPSTR lpBuffer, int nMaxLength ) const;
Specifies the line number to retrieve from a multiple-line edit control. Line numbers are zero-based; a value of 0 specifies the first line. This parameter is ignored by a single-line edit control.
Points to the buffer that receives a copy of the line. The first word of the buffer must specify the maximum number of bytes that can be copied to the buffer.
Specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be copied to the buffer. GetLine places this value in the first word of lpBuffer before making the call to Windows.
Retrieves a line of text from an edit control and places it in lpBuffer. This call is not processed for a single-line edit control.
The copied line does not contain a null-termination character.
The number of bytes actually copied. The return value is 0 if the line number specified by nIndex is greater then the number of lines in the edit control.
CEdit::LineLength, CWnd::GetWindowText, EM_GETLINE