friend CArchive& operator >>( CArchive &ar, CObject *& pOb )
throw( CArchiveException, CFileException, CMemoryException );
friend CArchive& operator >>( CArchive& ar, const CObject *& pOb )
throw( CArchiveException, CFileException, CMemoryException );
CArchive& operator >>( BYTE& by )
throw( CArchiveException, CFileException );
CArchive& operator >>( WORD& w )
throw( CArchiveException, CFileException );
CArchive& operator >>( LONG& l )
throw( CArchiveException, CFileException );
CArchive& operator >>( DWORD& dw )
throw( CArchiveException, CFileException );
Loads the indicated object or primitive type from the archive.
If you used the IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro in your class implementation, then the extraction operators overloaded for CObject call the protected ReadObject function (with a nonzero run-time class pointer). This function, in turn, calls the Serialize function of the class.
A CArchive reference that enables multiple insertion operators on a single line.
int i;
extern CArchive ar;
if( ar.IsLoading() )
ar >> i;