

Gets the current logical mode for line drawing.

#include <graph.h>

short __far _getwritemode( void );


The _getwritemode function returns the current logical write mode, which is used when drawing lines with the _lineto, _polygon, and _rectangle functions.

The default value is _GPSET, which causes lines to be drawn in the current graphics color. The other possible return values are _GXOR, _GAND, _GOR, and _GPRESET. See _putimage for more details on these manifest constants.

Return Value

The _getwritemode function returns the current logical write mode, or –1 if not in graphics mode.





See Also

_grstatus, _lineto functions, _putimage functions, _rectangle functions, _setcolor, _setlinestyle, _setwritemode


/* GWRMODE.C: This program illustrates _getwritemode and _setwritemode. */

#include <conio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <graph.h>

short wmodes[5] = { _GPSET, _GPRESET, _GXOR, _GOR, _GAND };

char *wmstr[5] = { "PSET ", "PRESET", "XOR ", "OR ", "AND " };

void box( short x, short y, short size, short writemode, short fillmode );

void main( void )


short i, x, y;

/* Find a valid graphics mode. */

if( !_setvideomode( _MAXCOLORMODE ) )

exit( 1 );

x = y = 70;

box( x, y, 50, _GPSET, _GFILLINTERIOR );

_setcolor( 2 );

box( x, y, 40, _GPSET, _GFILLINTERIOR );

for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )


_settextposition( 1, 1 );

_outtext( wmstr[i] );

box( x += 12, y += 12, 50, wmodes[i], _GBORDER );



_setvideomode( _DEFAULTMODE );

exit( 0 );


void box( short x, short y, short size, short writemode, short fillmode )


short wm, side;

wm = _getwritemode(); /* Save write mode and set new. */

_setwritemode( writemode );

_rectangle( fillmode, x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size );

_setwritemode( wm ); /* Restore original write mode. */
