

Opens a file for file sharing.

#include <fcntl.h>    
#include <sys\types.h>    
#include <sys\stat.h>    
#include <share.h>    
#include <io.h> Required only for function declarations  

int _sopen( char *filename,int oflag, int shflag[[, int pmode]] );

filename Filename  
oflag Type of operations allowed  
shflag Type of sharing allowed  
pmode Permission setting  


The _sopen function opens the file specified by filename and prepares the file for subsequent shared reading or writing, as defined by oflag and shflag. The integer expression oflag is formed by combining one or more of the following manifest constants, defined in the file FCNTL.H. When two or more constants are used to form the argument oflag, the constants are combined with the bitwise-OR operator (|).

Constant Meaning

_O_APPEND Repositions the file pointer to the end of the file before every write operation.
_O_BINARY Opens file in binary (untranslated) mode. (See fopen for a description of binary mode.)
_O_CREAT Creates and opens a new file. This has no effect if the file specified by filename exists.
_O_EXCL Returns an error value if the file specified by filename exists. This applies only when used with _O_CREAT.
_O_RDONLY Opens file for reading only. If this flag is given, neither the _O_RDWR flag nor the _O_WRONLY flag can be given.
_O_RDWR Opens file for both reading and writing. If this flag is given, neither _O_RDONLY nor _O_WRONLY can be given.
_O_TEXT Opens file in text (translated) mode. (See fopen for a description of text mode.)
_O_TRUNC Opens and truncates an existing file to 0 bytes. The file must have write permission; the contents of the file are destroyed.
_O_WRONLY Opens file for writing only. If this flag is given, neither _O_RDONLY nor _O_RDWR can be given.

The argument shflag is a constant expression consisting of one of the following manifest constants, defined in SHARE.H. If SHARE.COM (or SHARE.EXE for some versions of DOS) is not installed, DOS ignores the sharing mode. (See your system documentation for detailed information about sharing modes.)

Constant Meaning

_SH_COMPAT Sets compatibility mode. This is the sharing mode used in the _open function in DOS.
_SH_DENYRW Denies read and write access to file.
_SH_DENYWR Denies write access to file.
_SH_DENYRD Denies read access to file.
_SH_DENYNO Permits read and write access.

The _sopen function should be used only with DOS version 3.0 and later. Under earlier versions of DOS, the shflag argument is ignored.

The pmode argument is required only when _O_CREAT is specified. If the file does not exist, pmode specifies the file's permission settings, which are set when the new file is closed for the first time. Otherwise, the pmode argument is ignored. The pmode argument is an integer expression that contains one or both of the manifest constants _S_IWRITE and _S_IREAD, defined in SYS\STAT.H. When both constants are given, they are combined with the bitwise-OR operator (|). The meaning of the pmode argument is as follows:

Value Meaning

_S_IWRITE Writing permitted
_S_IREAD Reading permitted
_S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE Reading and writing permitted

If write permission is not given, the file is read-only. With DOS, all files are readable; it is not possible to give write-only permission. Thus, the modes _S_IWRITE and _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE are equivalent.

Note that with DOS versions 3.x with SHARE installed, a problem occurs when opening a new file with _sopen under the following sets of conditions:

With oflag set to _O_CREAT | _O_RDONLY or _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY, pmode set to _S_IREAD, and shflag set to _SH_COMPAT.

With oflag set to any combination that includes _O_CREAT | _O_RDWR, pmode set to _S_IREAD, and shflag set to anything other than _SH_COMPAT.

In either case, the operating system will prematurely close the file during system calls made within _sopen, or the system will generate a sharing violation (INT 24H). To avoid the problem, open the file with pmode set to _S_IWRITE. After closing the file, call _chmod and change the mode back to _S_IREAD. Another solution is to open the file with pmode set to _S_IREAD, oflag set to _O_CREAT | _O_RDWR, and shflag set to _SH_COMPAT.

The _sopen function applies the current file-permission mask to pmode before setting the permissions (see _umask).

Return Value

The _sopen function returns a file handle for the opened file. A return value of –1 indicates an error, and errno is set to one of the following values:

Value Meaning

EACCES Given path name is a directory; or the file is read-only but an open for writing was attempted; or a sharing violation occurred (the file's sharing mode does not allow the specified operations; DOS versions 3.0 and later only).
EEXIST The _O_CREAT and _O_EXCL flags are specified, but the named file already exists.
EINVAL An invalid oflag or shflag argument was given.
EMFILE No more file handles available (too many open files).
ENOENT File or path name not found.





See Also

_close, _creat, fopen, _fsopen, _open, _umask


See the example for _locking.