* (Comment)




The Comment command is an asterisk (*) followed by text. The CodeView debugger echoes the text of the comment to the screen or other output device. Use this command in combination with the redirection commands when you are:

Saving a commented session.

Writing a commented session that will be redirected to the debugger.


In the following example, the user is sending a copy of a CodeView session to the file OUTPUT.TXT. Comments are added to explain the purpose of the command. The text file will contain commands, comments, and command output.


> * Dump first 20 bytes of screen buffer

> MDB 0xB800:0 L 20

B800:0000 54 17 6F 17 20 17 72 17 65 17 74 17 75 17 72 17

B800:0010 6E 17 20 17

> >CON