Open the last project.
Arg Project (ALT+A Unassigned)
Open the project makefile at the cursor as a PWB project. The name of the project is specified by the text from the cursor to the first blank character.
Arg textarg Project (ALT+A textarg Unassigned)
Open the project makefile specified by textarg as a PWB project.
Arg Arg Project (ALT+A ALT+A Unassigned)
Close the current project.
Arg Meta Project (ALT+A F9 Unassigned)
Open the project makefile at the cursor as a non-PWB project (foreign makefile).
Arg textarg Meta Project (ALT+A textarg F9 Unassigned)
Open the project makefile specified by textarg as a non-PWB project.
TrueA project is open.
FalseA project is not open.