BOOL ShowWindow( int nCmdShow );
Specifies how the CWnd is to be shown. It must be one of the following values:
Value | Meaning |
SW_HIDE | Hides CWnd and passes activation to another window. |
SW_MINIMIZE | Minimizes CWnd and activates the top-level window in the window-manager's list. |
SW_SHOW | Activates CWnd and displays it in its current size and position. |
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED | Activates CWnd and displays it as a maximized window. |
SW_SHOWMINIMIZED | Activates CWnd and displays it as a minimized (iconic) window. |
SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE | Displays CWnd as minimized (iconic) window. The window that is currently active remains active. |
SW_SHOWNA | Displays CWnd in its current state. The window that is currently active remains active. |
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE | Displays CWnd in its most recent size and position. The window that is currently active remains active. |
SW_SHOWNORMAL | Activates and displays CWnd. If CWnd is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position. |
Displays or removes the CWnd, as specified by nCmdShow.
ShowWindow must be called only once per program with CWinApp::m_nCmdShow. Subsequent calls to ShowWindow must use one of the values listed above, instead of the one specified by m_nCmdShow.
Specifies the previous state of the CWnd. It is TRUE if the CWnd was previously visible; FALSE if the CWnd was previously hidden.