? (Display Expression)


? expression[[,format]]



The expression to display. This can be any valid CodeView expression.


A CodeView format specifier that indicates the format in which to display expression.


The Display Expression (?) command displays the value of a CodeView expression. The simplest form of expression is a symbol representing a single variable or function. An expression may also call functions that are part of the executable file.

The Display Expression command can also set values. For example, with the C or C++ expression evaluator, you can increment the variable n by using an assignment expression:

? n=n+1

The command displays the value after incrementing n.

You can specify the format in which the values of expressions are displayed by the Display Expression command. After the expression, type a comma, followed by a CodeView format specifier.


The following example displays the value stored in the variable amount, an integer. This value is first displayed in the system radix (in this case, decimal), then in hexadecimal, then in 4-byte hexadecimal, and then in octal.

>? amount


>? amount,x


>? amount,lx


>? amount,o

