The Qreplace function performs a find-and-replace operation on the current file, prompting for find-and-replacement strings and confirmation at each occurrence.
Qreplace (CTRL+\)
Performs the replacement from the cursor to the end of the file, wrapping around the end of the file if the Searchwrap switch is set to yes.
Arg boxarg | linearg | streamarg Qreplace (ALT+A boxarg | linearg | streamarg CTRL+\)
Performs the replacement over the selected area.
Note that PWB does not adjust the selection at each replacement for changes in the length of the text. For boxarg and streamarg, PWB may replace text that was not included in the original selection or miss text included in the original selection.
Arg mark Qreplace (ALT+A mark CTRL+\)
Performs the replacement on text from the cursor to the specified mark. Replaces over text as if it were selected, according to the current selection mode. The mark argument cannot be a line number. See: Mark.
Arg number Qreplace (ALT+A number CTRL+\)
Performs the replacement for the specified number of lines, starting with the line at the cursor.
Arg Arg ... Qreplace (ALT+A ALT+A ... CTRL+\)
As above except using regular expressions.
Meta ... Qreplace (F9 ... CTRL+\)
As above except the sense of the Case switch is reversed for the operation.
TrueAt least one replacement was performed.
FalseString not found, or invalid pattern.
Mreplace, Replace, Searchwrap