_heapadd Functions


Add memory to the heap (_heapadd) or to the based heap (_bheapadd).

#include <malloc.h> Required only for function declarations  

int _heapadd( void __far *memblock, size_t size );

int _bheapadd( __segment seg, void __based (void) *memblock, size_t size );

seg Based-heap segment selector  
buffer Pointer to heap memory  
size Size in bytes of memory to add  


The _heapadd and _bheapadd functions add an unused piece of memory to the heap. The _bheapadd function adds the memory to the based heap specified by seg. The _heapadd function looks at the segment value and, if it is DGROUP, adds the memory to the near heap. Otherwise, _heapadd adds the memory to the far heap.

Return Value

These functions return 0 if successful, or –1 if an error occurred.










See Also

free functions, _halloc, _hfree, malloc functions, realloc functions


/* HEAPMIN.C: This program illustrates heap management using

* _heapadd and _heapmin.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <process.h>

#include <malloc.h>

void heapdump( char *msg ); /* Prototype */

char s1[] = { "Here are some strings that we use at first, then don't\n" };

char s2[] = { "need any more. We'll give their space to the heap.\n" };

void main( void )


int *p[3], i;

printf( "%s%s", s1, s2 );

heapdump( "Initial heap" );

/* Give space of used strings to heap. */

if ( _heapadd( s1, sizeof( s1 )) == -1 )


if ( _heapadd( s2, sizeof( s2 )) == -1 )


heapdump( "After adding used strings" );

/* Allocate some blocks. Some may use string blocks from _heapadd. */

for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )

if( (p[i] = (int *)calloc( 10 * (i + 1), sizeof( int ) )) == NULL )





heapdump( "After allocating memory" );

/* Free some of the blocks. */

free( p[1] );

free( p[2] );

heapdump( "After freeing memory" );

/* Minimize heap. */


heapdump( "After compacting heap" );


/* Walk through heap entries, displaying information about each block. */

void heapdump( char *msg )



printf( "%s\n", msg );

hi._pentry = NULL;

while( _heapwalk( &hi ) == _HEAPOK )

printf( "\t%s block at %Fp of size %u\t\n",

hi._useflag == _USEDENTRY ? "USED" : "FREE",


hi._size );

printf("Press any key.\n");




Here are some strings that we use at first, then don't

need any more. We'll give their space to the heap.

Initial heap

USED block at 2D39:0E9C of size 364

USED block at 2D39:100A of size 36

USED block at 2D39:1030 of size 512

FREE block at 2D39:1232 of size 460

After adding used strings

FREE block at 2D39:0044 of size 52

FREE block at 2D39:007A of size 50

USED block at 2D39:00AE of size 3564

USED block at 2D39:0E9C of size 364

USED block at 2D39:100A of size 36

USED block at 2D39:1030 of size 512

FREE block at 2D39:1232 of size 460

After allocating memory

USED block at 2D39:0044 of size 20

USED block at 2D39:005A of size 40

FREE block at 2D39:0084 of size 40

USED block at 2D39:00AE of size 3564

USED block at 2D39:0E9C of size 364

USED block at 2D39:100A of size 36

USED block at 2D39:1030 of size 512

FREE block at 2D39:1232 of size 460

After freeing memory

USED block at 2D39:0044 of size 20

FREE block at 2D39:005A of size 40

FREE block at 2D39:0084 of size 40

USED block at 2D39:00AE of size 3564

USED block at 2D39:0E9C of size 364

USED block at 2D39:100A of size 36

USED block at 2D39:1030 of size 512

FREE block at 2D39:1232 of size 460

After compacting heap

USED block at 2D39:0044 of size 20

FREE block at 2D39:005A of size 82

USED block at 2D39:00AE of size 3564

USED block at 2D39:0E9C of size 364

USED block at 2D39:100A of size 36

USED block at 2D39:1030 of size 512

FREE block at 2D39:1232 of size 12