

Displays a pie chart.

#include <pgchart.h>

short __far _pg_chartpie( _chartenv __far *env,
char __far * __far *categories, float __far *values, short __far *explode,
short n );

env Chart environment structure  
categories Array of category labels  
values Array of data values  
explode Array of explode flags  
n Number of data values to chart  


The _pg_chartpie function displays a pie chart for the data contained in the array values. Pie charts are formed from a single series of data—there is no multiseries version of pie charts as there is for other chart types.

The array explode must be dimensioned so that its length is greater than or equal to the argument n. All entries in explode are either 0 or 1. If an entry is 1, the corresponding pie slice is displayed slightly removed from the rest of the pie.

For example, if the explode array is initialized as

short explode[5] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0};

the pie slice corresponding to the second entry of the categories array will be displayed “exploded” from the other four slices.

For a discussion of the chart environment and related topics, see “Presentation-Graphics Functions”.

Return Value

The _pg_chartpie function returns 0 if there were no errors. A nonzero value indicates a failure.





See Also

_pg_analyzepie, _pg_defaultchart, _pg_initchart


See the example for _pg_chart.