

Converts a tm time structure to a character string.

#include <time.h>

char *asctime( const struct tm *timeptr );

timeptr Time/date structure  


The asctime function converts a time stored as a structure to a character string. The timeptr value is usually obtained from a call to gmtime or localtime, both of which return a pointer to a tm structure, defined in TIME.H. (See gmtime for a complete description of the tm structure fields.)

The tm structure contains the following elements:

Element Description

int tm_sec Seconds after the minute (0–59)
int tm_min Minutes after the hour (0–59)
int tm_hour Hours since midnight (0–23)
int tm_mday Day of the month (0–31)
int tm_mon Months since January (0–11)
int tm_year Years since 1900
int tm_wday Days since Sunday (0–6)
int tm_yday Days since January 1 (0–365)
int tm_isdst Daylight-saving-time flag

The string result produced by asctime contains exactly 26 characters and has the form of the following example:

Wed Jan 02 02:03:55 1980\n\0

A 24-hour clock is used. All fields have a constant width. The newline character (\n) and the null character ('\0') occupy the last two positions of the string. The asctime function uses a single statically allocated buffer to hold the return string. Each call to this routine destroys the result of the previous call.

Return Value

The asctime function returns a pointer to the character string result. There is no error return.


Standards:ANSI, UNIX



See Also

ctime, _ftime, gmtime, localtime, time, _tzset


/* ASCTIME.C: This program places the system time in the long integer aclock,

* translates it into the structure newtime and then converts it to

* string form for output, using the asctime function.


#include <time.h>

#include <stdio.h>

struct tm *newtime;

time_t aclock;

void main( void )


time( &aclock ); /* Get time in seconds */

newtime = localtime( &aclock ); /* Convert time to struct tm form */

/* Print local time as a string */

printf( "The current date and time are: %s\n", asctime( newtime ) );



The current date and time are: Tue Jun 15 06:57:59 1999