

afx_msg void OnRButtonUp( UINT nFlags, CPoint point );



Indicates whether various virtual keys are down. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:

Value Description

MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_LBUTTON Set if left mouse button is down.
MK_MBUTTON Set if middle mouse button is down.
MK_RBUTTON Set if right mouse button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.


Specifies the x- and y-coordinates of the cursor. These coordinates are always relative to the upper-left corner.


Called when the user releases the right mouse button.

This message-handler member function calls the Default member function. Override this member function in your derived class to handle the WM_RBUTTONUP message.

See Also

CWnd::OnRButtonDblClk, CWnd::OnRButtonDown, WM_RBUTTONUP, CWnd::Default