_titletype Structures

Structures of type _titletype determine text, color, and placement of titles appearing in the graph. The PGCHART.H file defines the structure type as

typedef struct


char title[_PG_TITLELEN]; /* Title text */

short titlecolor; /* Palette color

for title text */

short justify; /* _PG_LEFT, _PG_CENTER,


} _titletype;

The following list describes _titletype members:


An integer specifying how the title is justified within the chart window. The symbolic constants defined in PGCHART.H for this variable are _PG_LEFT, _PG_CENTER, and _PG_RIGHT.


An integer between 1 and _PG_PALETTELEN that specifies a title's color. The default value for titlecolor is 1.


A character array containing title text. For example, if env is a structure of type _chartenv, then env.maintitle.title holds the character string used for the main title of the chart. Similarly, env.xaxis.axistitle.title contains the x axis title. The number of characters in a title must be one less than _PG_TITLELEN to allow room for a null terminator.