The functions below control colors and color palettes. For an introduction to this topic, see “Mixing Colors and Changing Palettes”. For function prototypes and more information, consult Help.
Reports the current background color as a long integer. In EGA, MCGA, and VGA video modes, this is a color value. In CGA and text modes, it is a color index.
Returns the current color index.
Assigns new color values to all color indexes. Pass a pointer to an array of color values. Returns 0 if unsuccessful.
Assigns a color value to a specific color index. Pass a short color index and a long color value (which specifies the amount of red, green, and blue). Returns the previous color value for that index or –1 if unsuccessful. See “CGA Palettes”.
Selects a predefined palette. This function applies only to the CGA video modes _MRES4COLOR and _MRESNOCOLOR and the Olivetti graphics mode _ORESCOLOR. To change palettes in other color video modes, use _remappalette instead. Pass a short integer in the range 0–4 for CGA, or 0–15 for Olivetti mode. Returns the value of the previous palette.
Sets the current background color. Always pass a long integer. In EGA, MCGA, and VGA modes, this value is a color value. In CGA and text modes, this is a color index cast to a long integer. Returns the old background color or –1 if unsuccessful.
Sets the color index to be used for graphic output. It affects later calls to functions such as _arc, _ellipse, _floodfill, _lineto, _outgtext, _outtext, _pie, _rectangle, and _setpixel. Returns the previous color or –1 if unsuccessful.