

struct tm* GetLocalTm( struct tm* ptm ) const;



Points to a buffer that will receive the time data. If this pointer is NULL, an internal, statically allocated buffer is used. The data in this default buffer is overwritten as a result of calls to other CTime member functions.


Gets a struct tm containing a decomposition of the time contained in this CTime object. GetLocalTm returns local time.

Return Value

A pointer to a filled-in struct tm as defined in the include file time.h. See GetGmtTm for the structure layout.


CTime t( 1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0 ); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999

struct tm* osTime; // a pointer to a structure containing time elements

osTime = t.GetLocalTm( NULL );

ASSERT( osTime->tm_mon == 2 ); // note zero-based month!