Binary Operators

Table 12.5 shows a list of operators that can be overloaded.

Table 12.5 Redefinable Binary Operators

Operator Name

, Comma
!= Inequality
% Modulus
%= Modulus/assignment
& Bitwise AND
&& Logical AND
&= Bitwise AND/assignment
* Multiplication

Table 12.5 (continued)

Operator Name

*= Multiplication/assignment
+ Addition
+= Addition/assignment
–= Subtraction/assignment
–> Member selection
–>* Pointer-to-member selection
/ Division
/= Division/assignment
< Less than
<< Left shift
<<= Left shift/assignment
<= Less than or equal to
= Assignment
== Equality
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
>> Right shift
>>= Right shift/assignment
  Exclusive OR
^= Exclusive OR/assignment
| Bitwise inclusive OR
|= Bitwise inclusive OR/assignment
|| Logical OR

To declare a binary operator function as a nonstatic member, it must be declared in the form:

ret-typeoperatorop( arg)

where ret-type is the return type, and op is one of the operators listed in Table 12.5, and arg is an argument of any type.

To declare a binary operator function as a global function, it must be declared in the form:

ret-type operatorop( arg1, arg2 )

where ret-type and op are as described for member operator functions, and arg1 and arg2 are arguments. At least one of the arguments must be of class type.


There is no restriction on the return types of the binary operators; however, most user-defined binary operators return either a class type or a reference to a class type.