6.2 Enumeration Declarations

An enumeration is a distinct integral type that defines named constants. Enumerations are declared using the enum keyword.



enum identifieropt { enum-listopt }

, enumerator

= constant-expression

Enumerated types are valuable when an object can assume a known and reasonably limited set of values. Consider the example of the suits from a deck of cards:

class Card



enum Suit







// Declare two constructors: a default constructor,

// and a constructor that sets the cardinal and

// suit value of the new card.


Card( int CardInit, Suit SuitInit );

// Get and Set functions.

int GetCardinal(); // Get cardinal value of card.

int SetCardinal(); // Set cardinal value of card.

Suit GetSuit(); // Get suit of card.

Suit SetSuit(); // Set suit of card.

char *NameOf(); // Get string representation of card.


Suit suit;

int cardinalValue;


// Define a postfix increment operator for Suit.

inline Card::Suit operator++( Card::Suit &rs, int )


return (Card::Suit)(rs + 1);


The preceding example defines a class, Card, that contains a nested enumerated type, Suit. To create a pack of cards in a program, use code such as the following:

Card *Deck[52];

int j = 0;

for( Card::Suit curSuit = Card::Diamonds; curSuit <= Card::Spades;

curSuit++ )

for( int i = 1; i <= 13; ++i )

Deck[j++] = new Card( i, curSuit );

In the preceding example, the type Suit is nested; therefore, the class name (Card) must be used explicitly in public references. However, in member functions, the class name can be omitted.

In the first segment of code, the postfix increment operator for Suit is defined. Without a user-defined increment operator, curSuit could not be incremented. For more information about user-defined operators, see “Overloaded Operators” in Chapter 12, on topic .

Consider the code for the NameOf member function (a better implementation is presented later):

char* Card::NameOf() // Get the name of a card.


static char szName[20];

static char *Numbers[] =

{ “1", ”2", “3", ”4", “5", ”6", “7", ”8", “9",

”10", “Jack”, “Queen”, “King”


static char *Suits[] =

{ “Diamonds”, “Hearts”, “Clubs”, “Spades” };

if( GetCardinal() < 13)

strcpy( szName, Numbers[GetCardinal()] );

strcat( szName, “ of ” );

switch( GetSuit() )


// Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs, and Spades do not need explicit

// class qualifier.

case Diamonds: strcat( szName, “Diamonds” ); break;

case Hearts: strcat( szName, “Hearts” ); break;

case Clubs: strcat( szName, “Clubs” ); break;

case Spades: strcat( szName, “Spades” ); break;


return szName;


An enumerated type is an integral type. The identifiers introduced with the enum declaration can be used wherever constants appear. Normally, the first identifier's value is 0 (Diamonds, in the example above), and the values increase by one for each succeeding identifier. Therefore, the value of Spades is 3.

Any enumerator in the list, including the first one, can be initialized to a value other than its default value. Suppose the declaration of Suit had been the following:

enum Suit


Diamonds = 5,


Clubs = 4,



Then the values of Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs, and Spades would have been 5, 6, 4, and 5, respectively. Note that 5 is used more than once.

The default values for these enumerators make implementation of the NameOf function simpler:

char* Card::NameOf() // Get the name of a card.


static char szName[20];

static char *Numbers[] =

{ “1", ”2", “3", ”4", “5", ”6", “7", ”8", “9",

”10", “Jack”, “Queen”, “King”


static char *Suits[] =

{ “Diamonds”, “Hearts”, “Clubs”, “Spades” };

if( GetCardinal() < 13)

strcpy( szName, Numbers[GetCardinal()] );

strcat( szName, “ of ” );

strcat( szName, Suits[GetSuit()] );

return szName;


The accessor function GetSuit returns type Suit, an enumerated type. Because enumerated types are integral types, they can be used as arguments to the array subscript operator. (For more information, see “Subscript Operator” in Chapter 4, on topic .)