CObject*& operator []( const char* key );
This operator is a convenient substitute for the SetAt member function. Thus it can be used only on the left side of an assignment statement (an l-value). If there is no map element with the specified key, then a new element is created.
There is no “right side” (r-value) equivalent to this operator because there is a possibility that a key may not be found in the map. Use the Lookup member function for element retrieval.
CMapStringToOb map;
map["Bart"] = new CAge( 13 );
map["Lisa"] = new CAge( 11 );
#ifdef _DEBUG
afxDump.SetDepth( 1 );
afxDump << "Operator [] example: " << &map << "\\n";
The results from this program are as follows:
Operator [] example: A CMapStringToOb with 2 elements
[Lisa] = a CAge at $4A02 11
[Bart] = a CAge at $497E 13