



Executes the current line as an environment-variable setting.

For example, if the current line contains the following text when you execute Environment:


PWB adds this setting to the current environment table. The effect is the same as the operating-system SET command. PWB uses the new environment variable for the rest of the session (including shells).

Depending on the settings of the Envcursave and Envprojsave switches, PWB saves the environment table for PWB sessions and/or projects. See: Envcursave, Envprojsave.

Arg textarg Environment (ALT+A textarg Unassigned)

Executes the argument as an environment-variable setting.

Arg linearg | boxarg Environment (ALT+A linearg | boxarg Unassigned)

Executes each selected line or line fragment as an environment-variable setting.

Meta Environment (F9 Unassigned)

Performs environment-variable substitutions for all variables on the current line, replacing each variable with its value.

The syntax for an environment variable is

$(ENV) | $ENV:

where ENV is the uppercase name of the environment variable.

Arg Meta Environment (ALT+A F9 Unassigned)

Performs environment-variable substitutions (described above) for the text from the cursor to the end of the line.

Arg boxarg | linearg | streamarg Meta Environment (ALT+A boxarg | linearg | streamarg F9 Unassigned)

Performs environment-variable substitutions for the selected text.


TrueEnvironment variable successfully set or substituted.

FalseSyntax error or line too long.


Because the <ENVIRONMENT> pseudofile no longer exists, this form of the
function is obsolete; it is replaced by the Environment command
on the Options menu.