N (Radix)


N [[radix]]



New radix while running CodeView. Can be 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), or 16 (hexadecimal). If omitted, the command displays the current radix.


The Radix (N) command changes the current radix for entering arguments and displaying the values of expressions. The new radix number can be 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), or 16 (hexadecimal). Binary and other radixes are not allowed. With no arguments, the command displays the current operating radix.


Changing the radix does not convert the l-value of displayed expressions, only the r-value.

When you start up CodeView, the default radix is 10 (decimal), unless your main program is written with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM). In this case, the default radix is 16 (hexadecimal).


The following conditions are not affected by the Radix command:

The radix for entering a new radix is always decimal.

Format specifiers given with the Display Expression (?) command override the current radix.

Addresses are always shown in hexadecimal.

In Assembly mode, all values are shown in hexadecimal.

The display radix for the Memory Dump (MD) and Breakpoint Set (BP) commands is always hexadecimal if the size is bytes, words, or doublewords; it is always decimal if the size is integers, unsigned integers, short reals, long reals, or 10-byte reals.

The input radix for the Memory Enter (ME) command's prompt is always hexadecimal if the size is bytes, words, or doublewords; it is always decimal if the size is integers, unsigned integers, short reals, long reals, or 10-byte reals.

The current radix is used for all values given as part of a list, except real numbers, which must be entered in decimal.

The register display is always in hexadecimal.


The following example shows the decimal equivalents of the number 14 in octal and in hexadecimal.


>? 14,i



>? 14,i



Here, the Display Expression (?) command uses the i format specifier, which prints a number in decimal regardless of the current radix.