machine code:A series of binary numbers that a processor executes as program instructions. See also “disassemble.”

macro:A block of text or instructions that has been assigned an identifier. For example, you can create a macro that contains a set of functions that you perform repeatedly and assign the macro to a single keystroke.

.MAK:The extension that is often used to indicate a makefile or description file.

.MAP:The extension for a map file.

map file:A text file of information produced by a utility such as LINK. Also called a list file or listing.

math coprocessor:See “8087 family of math processors.”


MDI:Multiple Document Interface.

medium memory model:A program with multiple code segments and one data segment.

megabyte (MB):1024 kilobytes or 1,048,576 bytes (2 to the power of 20).

memory model:A convention for specifying the number of code and data segments in a program. Memory models include tiny, small, medium, compact, large, huge, and flat.

memory-resident program:See “terminate-and-stay-resident.”

menu bar:The bar at the top of a display containing menus.

Mixed mode:The CodeView source display mode that shows each source line of the program being debugged, followed by a disassembly of the machine code generated for that source line. This mode combines Source mode and Assembly mode.

modification time:See “time stamp.”

module:A discrete group of statements. Every program has at least one module (the main module). In most cases, each module corresponds to one source file.

module (in LIB):See “object module.”

module-definition file:A text file, usually with a .DEF extension, that describes characteristics of a program. A module-definition file is used by LINK and by IMPLIB.

monochrome adapter:A video adapter capable of displaying only in medium resolution in one color. Most monochrome adapters display text only; individual graphics pixels cannot be displayed.

mouse pointer:The reverse-video or colored square that moves to indicate the current position of the mouse. The mouse pointer appears only if a mouse is installed.

MS32EM87.DLL:A DLL required by the DOS Extender. The SYSTEM environment variable must be set to the directory that contains this file.

MS32KRNL.DLL:A DLL required by the DOS Extender. The SYSTEM environment variable must be set to the directory that contains this file.

MSDPMI:An example of a DPMI server. MSDPMI supports 32-bit interrupt services.

MSDPMI.INI:The initialization file used by MSDPMI.

multitasking operating system:An operating system in which two or more programs or threads can execute simultaneously.