O (Options)





Character indicating the option to be turned on or off.

Specifier Option

A Show Status Bar
B Bytes Coded
C Case Sense
F Flip/Swap
H Horizontal Scroll Bar
L Show Address
N Native Mode
S Symbols
3 386
V Vertical Scroll Bar


For the OL command, you can specify a scope of variables to display in Local window using one or more of the following:

Specifier Scope

L Lexical
F Function
M Module
E Executable
G Global
* All of the above


Turns option(s) on.

Turns option(s) off.


The Options (O) command allows you to view or set the state of the following CodeView options:

Letter Option Display

A Show Status Bar If on, the status bar appears at the bottom of the screen. If off, the bottommost line becomes part of the window area.
B Bytes Coded If on, instruction addresses and machine code are displayed for assembly instructions.
C Case Sense If on, symbols are case-sensitive; if off, they are not.
F Flip/Swap If on, CodeView flips the program and output screens as the program executes. If off, no screen flipping is performed.
H Horizontal Scroll Bar If on, windows have a horizontal scroll bar.
L Show Address If on, addresses relative to BP for all local variables are displayed in the Local window.
N Native Mode If on, instructions are displayed in the native processor format. If off, p-code instructions are displayed.
S Symbols If on, symbols in assembly instructions appear in symbolic form. If off, they appear as addresses.
3 386 If on, registers appear in wide 80386 format, and you can assemble and execute instructions that reference 32-bit registers and memory.
V Vertical Scroll Bar If on, windows have a vertical scroll bar.

The Local window always displays variables local to the current routine. You can specify a scope of additional variables to display in the Local window with OL form of the Options command. Using OL with no options displays the current scope setting for the Local window.

The O form of the command (all options) takes no arguments; it displays the state of all options. The other forms of the command (OF, OB, OC, OS, OL, O3, OA, ON, OH, and OV) can be used as follows:

With no arguments. The state of the option is displayed.

With the + or – argument. The + argument turns the option on; the – argument turns the option off.

Mouse and Keyboard

As an alternative to typing the O command, you can view and set options on the Options menu.


Use the Options (O) command to set options when you first start CodeView. You can set these options in the following ways:

Give one or more O commands with the /C option on the CodeView command line or include a similar command line in the CodeView response file.

Give one or more O commands as the Autostart entry in the TOOLS.INI file.


In the following example, the O command is used to display current option settings. Then, the O3 and OF commands are used to display and set options for 386 mode and for screen flip/swap mode. Finally, the OL command turns on symbol addresses in the Local window and displays not only local variables but global variables as well.


Flip/Swap On

Bytes Coded On

Case Sense On

Show Symbol Address On

Symbols Off

Vertical scroll bar On

Horizontal scroll bar On

Status bar On


386 Off


386 On


Flip/Swap On


Flip/Swap Off