Besides the two source code files, HELLO.H and HELLO.CPP, you will need several additional files in order to compile Hello. The files will look like those shown in Listings 3 - 5.
·To prepare these files, do the following:
1.Create a module-definition file, with the .DEF extension.
All Windows programs require a module-definition file, with the .DEF extension. The module definition file for Hello is shown in Listing 3 and is available on the distribution disks as HELLO.DEF.
2.Create a resource file with an .RC extension.
If you use custom resources, such as icons, you need a resource script file,
with the .RC extension, to define the resources. The resource file for Hello is shown in listing 4 and is available on the distribution disks as HELLO.RC. For your own icons, you also need files created with a resource editor, such as SDKPaint. The icon resource file HELLO.ICO is furnished on the distribution disks also.
3.Create a resource include file with an .H extension.
Hello uses an .H file to define resource ID numbers for the resources listed in its resource file. The resource include file for Hello is shown in Listing 4 and is available on the distribution disks as RESOURCE.H.