This section describes the options available for controlling BSCMAKE. Several options control the content of the database by telling BSCMAKE to exclude or include certain information. The exclusion options can allow BSCMAKE to run faster and may result in a smaller .BSC file. Option names are case sensitive (except for /HELP and /NOLOGO).

/Ei filename /Ei (filename...)

Excludes the contents of the specified include files from the database. To specify multiple files, separate the names with spaces and enclose the list in parentheses. Use /Ei along with the /Es option to exclude files not excluded by /Es.


Excludes local symbols. The default is to include local symbols in the database. For more information about local symbols, see “Preparing to Build a Database”.


Excludes symbols in the body of macros. Use /Em to include only the names of macros in the database. The default is to include both the macro names and the result of the macro expansions.

/Er symbol /Er (symbol...)

Excludes the specified symbols from the database. To specify multiple symbol names, separate the names with spaces and enclose the list in parentheses.


Excludes from the database every include file specified with an absolute path or found in an absolute path specified in the INCLUDE environment variable. (Usually, these are the system include files, which contain a lot of information that you may not need in your database.) This option does not exclude files specified without a path or with relative paths or found in a relative path in INCLUDE. You can use the /Ei option along with /Es to exclude files that /Es does not exclude. If you want to exclude only some of the files that /Es excludes, use /Ei instead of /Es and list the files you want to exclude.


Calls the QuickHelp utility. If BSCMAKE cannot find the Help file or QuickHelp, it displays a brief summary of BSCMAKE command-line syntax.


Includes unreferenced symbols. By default, BSCMAKE does not record any symbols that are defined but not referenced. If an .SBR file has been processed by SBRPACK, this option has no effect for that input file because SBRPACK has already removed the unreferenced symbols.


Forces a nonincremental build. Use /n to force a full build of the database whether or not a .BSC file exists and to prevent .SBR files from being truncated. See “Requirements for a Full Build”.


Suppresses the BSCMAKE copyright message.

/o filename

Specifies a name for the database file. By default, BSCMAKE assumes that the database file has the base name of the first .SBR file and a .BSC extension.


Prevents BSCMAKE from using extended memory under DOS. The /r option must appear first in the options field on the command line and cannot appear in a response file. BSCMAKE.EXE and BSCMAKEV.EXE are extender-ready and use extended memory if it exists. This option forces BSCMAKE to use only conventional memory and forces BSCMAKEV to use conventional memory and virtual memory. For more information, see “System Requirements for BSCMAKE”.

/S filename /S (filename...)

Tells BSCMAKE to process the specified include file the first time it is encountered and to exclude it otherwise. Use this option to save processing time when a file (such as a header, or .H, file for a .C source file) is included in several source files but is unchanged by preprocessing directives each time. You may also want to use this option if a file is changed in ways that are unimportant for the database you are creating. To specify multiple files, separate the names with spaces and enclose the list in parentheses. If you want to exclude the file every time it is included, use the /Ei or /Es option.


Provides verbose output, which includes the name of each .SBR file being processed and information about the complete BSCMAKE run.


Displays a brief summary of BSCMAKE command-line syntax.


The following command line tells BSCMAKE to use virtual memory and con-ventional memory (but not extended memory) to do a full build of MAIN.BSC from three .SBR files. It also tells BSCMAKE to exclude duplicate instances of TOOLBOX.H:

BSCMAKEV /r /n /S toolbox.h /o main.bsc file1.sbr file2.sbr file3.sbr