radix:The base of a number system. In CodeView, numbers can be entered in three radixes: 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), or 16 (hexa-decimal). The default radix is 10.
RAM:Random access memory. Usually refers to conventional memory.
.RC:The extension for a resource script file. An .RC file defines resources for an application such as icons, cursors, menus, and dialog boxes. The Microsoft Windows Resource Compiler compiles an .RC file to create an .RES file.
real mode:The operating mode of the 80286–80486 processors that runs programs designed for the 8086/8088 processor. All programs for the DOS environment run in real mode.
real mode (in Windows):An operating mode that provides compatibility with versions of Windows applications prior to 3.0. Real mode is the only mode of Windows 3.0 available for computers with less than 1 megabyte of extended memory.
redirection:The process of causing a command or program to take its input from a file or device other than the keyboard (standard input), or causing the output of a command or program to be sent to a file or device other than the display (standard output). The operating-system redirection symbols are the greater-than (>) and less-than (<) signs.:The same symbols are used in the CodeView Command window to redirect input and output of the debugging session. In addition, the equal sign (=) can be used to redirect both input and output.
Register window:The CodeView window in which the CPU registers and the bits of the flags register are displayed.
registers:Memory locations in the processor that temporarily store data, addresses, and logical values. See also “flags register.”
regular expression:A text expression that specifies a pattern of text to be matched (as opposed to matching specific characters). CodeView supports a subset of the regular-expression characters used in the XENIX and UNIX operating systems. PWB supports both the full UNIX syntax and an extended Microsoft syntax for regular expressions.
relocatable:Not having an absolute address.
.RES:The extension for a file produced by the Microsoft Windows Resource Compiler from an .RC file.
response file:A text file containing input expected by utilities such as LINK and LIB. Commonly used extensions for response files include .LRF, .LNK, and .RSP.
return code:See “exit code.”
ROM:Read-only memory.
root:In an overlaid DOS program, the part of the program that always remains in memory. Also called the root overlay.
routine:A generic term for a procedure, function, or subroutine.
.RSP:The extension that is often used to indicate a response file.
RTF:Rich text format.
run-time error:A math or logic error that occurs during execution of a program. A run-time error often results in termination of the program.