To run SBRPACK, use the following command line:
SBRPACK [[option]] sbrfiles
Options names are not case sensitive. Only the /NOLOGO option applies to a packing session; the other options provide help and then halt SBRPACK.
The sbrfiles field specifies one or more .SBR files created by a compiler or assembler. If you specify more than one file, separate the names with spaces or tabs. You must specify the extension; there is no default. You can specify a path with the filename, and you can use operating-system wildcards (* and ?).
You do not specify a name for the resulting files; SBRPACK saves the changed files under their original name. If you want to preserve the original files, copy them to another name before running SBRPACK.
SBRPACK has the following options:
Calls the QuickHelp utility. If SBRPACK cannot find the Help file or QuickHelp, it displays a brief summary of SBRPACK command-line syntax.
Suppresses the SBRPACK copyright message.
Displays a brief summary of SBRPACK command-line syntax.
The following commands compile a file using the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler (CL), assemble a file using the Microsoft Macro Assembler (ML), and build a browser database using both SBRPACK and BSCMAKE:
CL /FR /c prog1.c
ML /FR /c prog2.asm
SBRPACK prog2.sbr
These commands run SBRPACK every time an .SBR file is created. A separate SBRPACK command isn't needed for PROG1.SBR because CL calls SBRPACK automatically. Later in the program-building session, BSCMAKE builds a database and names it PROG1.BSC. This combination of commands saves space on disk during the program-building session.
The same commands can be configured to create the same database but save running time. In the following example, SBRPACK is called only when BSCMAKE is about to run. If these commands are in a makefile, time is saved if the program-building sequence stops before a database is built.
CL /FR /Zn /c prog1.c
ML /FR /c prog2.asm