


CTime( const CTime& timeSrc );

CTime( time_t time );

CTime( int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, int nHour, int nMin, int nSec );



Indicates a CTime object that already exists.


Indicates a time value.

nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec

Indnicate year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.


All these constructors create a new CTime object initialized with the specified absolute time, based on the current time zone.

Each constructor is described below:


Constructs a CTime object with a zero (illegal) value.


Zero is an invalid time. This constructor is provided to allow the definition of CTime object arrays. You should initialize such arrays with valid times prior to use.

CTime( const CTime& );

Constructs a CTime object from another CTime value.

CTime( time_t );

Constructs a CTime object from a time_t type.

CTime( int, int, etc.);

Constructs a CTime object from local time components with each component constrained to the following ranges:

Component Range

nYear 1900–2036
nMonth 1–12
nDay 1–31
nHour 0–23
nMin 0–59
nSec 0–59

This constructor makes the appropriate conversion to UCT.

The Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts if one or more of the time-day components is out of range. It is your responsibility to validate the arguments prior to calling.


time_t osBinaryTime; // C run-time time (defined in <time.h>)

time( &osBinaryTime ) ; // get the current time from the operating

// system

CTime time1; // empty CTime (0 is illegal time value)

CTime time2 = time1; // copy constructor

CTime time3( osBinaryTime ) ; // CTime from C run-time time

CTime time4( 1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0 ) ; // 10:15PM March 19, 1999