PART 1 Improving Program Performance

Microsoft C/C++ helps you create the fastest, smallest applications using its sophisticated optimizer and enhanced memory-management capabilities.

Chapter 1 tells you when to use certain optimizations and describes how Microsoft C/C++ generates code that is efficient in execution speed and in size. Chapter 2 describes precompiled headers, a feature that can dramatically reduce compilation time. Chapter 3 explains how to compile your program into p-code, a type of code that produces smaller executable files. Chapters 4 and 5 explain the tools Microsoft C/C++ gives you to allocate and manage program memory in both C and C++, including the __based type and the virtual memory manager. For situations where your program requires localized optimization, you can use the inline assembler, described in Chapter 6, to produce the tightest possible code. If your application requires floating-point math computation, you will find Chapter 7 helpful in explaining the options in the Microsoft C/C++ math packages.