Chapter 9 Communicating with Graphics

A map, a chart, an illustration, a graph, or some other visual aid can often communicate information more quickly and more vividly than would several screens of text.

The extensive Microsoft C graphics library allows you to communicate your ideas graphically. The functions in this library range from the simple to the complex; from functions that turn on a pixel to functions that draw graphs and charts complete with labels and legends.

This chapter describes low-level graphics functions that draw basic shapes such as lines, circles, and rectangles. It introduces video modes, color palettes, coordinate systems, and synopses of the graphics and font functions. For complete function prototypes and example programs, see Help or the Run-Time Library Reference.


The ANSI C standard does not define any standard graphics functions. The functions described in this section are unique to Microsoft C/C++ and are not portable to other implementations of C. These functions can be called from C++.