7.3 Summary of Math Packages

The Microsoft C/C++ compiler offers a choice of the following three math packages for handling floating-point operations:

Emulator (default)

Math coprocessor (a library that supports the Intel 80x87 family of math coprocessors)

Alternate math

When you install Microsoft C/C++, the SETUP program allows you to build combined libraries. These libraries include the floating-point math library that you choose. Any programs linked with that library use the math package included in the library; you must use the appropriate PWB or CL option to make sure that the library you want is used at link time.

The following descriptions of these math packages are designed to help you choose the appropriate math option for your needs when you build a library using SETUP. For more information about SETUP and about building combined libraries, see the Getting Started manual.

For simplicity, the names of libraries are noted in the form mLIBCf.LIB, where m is the model designator and f is the floating-point math package designator.