Choosing Speed or Size (/Ot and /Os)

In addition to the default optimizations, the Microsoft C/C++ compiler also automatically uses the /Ot option, which optimizes for speed. The /Ot option enables optimizations that increase speed but may also increase size. If you would rather optimize for program size, use the /Os option. The /Os option enables optimizations that decrease program size but may also decrease program speed.

To optimize for speed or size on a per-function basis, use the optimize pragma with the t option. The on setting instructs the compiler to optimize for speed; the off setting instructs the compiler to optimize for compactness of code. For example,

#pragma optimize( “t”, off ) /* Optimize for smallest

code. */




#pragma optimize( “t”, on ) /* Optimize for fastest

code. */

The /Os option is implied when you use the /Oq option (p-code generation).