Setting Other Options

The Options menu also contains commands that allow you to describe the desired project build more completely. You don't need to use any of these options to build ANNUITY1.C because the default values supplied by the template are correct for the type of program you choose.

The Options menu contains the following commands:

C Compiler Options and C++ Compiler Options in the Language Options cascaded menu. These commands let you specify compiler options specific to either debug or release builds and general options common to both types of builds. Use the Compiler Options command to customize the options given by your project template. You can specify memory model, warning level, processor type, and so on.

If you have more languages installed, their Compiler Options commands also appear in the Languages Options cascaded menu.

LINK Options. This command parallels the Compiler Options commands. You can specify options specific to debug or release builds and general options common to both debug and release builds.

Use LINK Options to specify items such as stack size and additional libraries. You can also select different libraries for debug and release builds. This is handy if you have special libraries for debugging and fast libraries for release builds.

NMAKE Options. This command lets you specify NMAKE command-line options for all builds. This option is particularly useful if you have an existing makefile that was not created by PWB or if you have modified your PWB project makefile. For more information about these subjects, see “Using a Non-PWB Makefile”.

CodeView Options. This command allows you to set options for the CodeView debugger.