Some commands are followed by the names of keys or key combinations. Press the shortcut key to execute the command immediately. You don't have to go through the menu. For example, press SHIFT+F2 to execute the Save command, which saves the current file.
All menu commands with shortcut keys and many other menu commands invoke predefined PWB macros to carry out their action. You can change the key or add new shortcut keys for these commands by assigning a key to the predefined macro. For a complete list of predefined macros and their corresponding menu commands, see “Predefined PWB Macros” on page 222. For more information on assigning keys, see “Changing Key Assignments” on page 119.
Many PWB functions have been assigned to keys besides those listed on the menus. Choose the Key Assignments command on the Options menu to view a list of functions and macros and their assigned keys.