
You can often execute commands by using buttons or boxes, which are areas of the screen that perform an action when you click them or select them from the keyboard. For example, the rectangle at the upper-left corner of a window is the “close box.” Clicking this box with the mouse closes the window.

A command name surrounded by angle brackets (< >) appearing on the status bar or in a dialog box is a button. The following buttons are on the status bar when you first start PWB:

<General Help> <F1=Help> <Alt=Menu>

The General Help button brings up a screen that explains how to use the Help system. The other two buttons remind you of PWB functions: F1 summons Help, and ALT activates the menu bar. Clicking one of these buttons with the mouse performs the same function as pressing the key.

When you have opened more than one window, PWB displays the following buttons:

<F1=Help> <Alt=Menu> <F6=Window>

Click the Window button or press F6 to move to the next window.

When a menu is selected or a dialog box is displayed, an informative message appears on the status bar. While PWB displays this message, no buttons are available and clicking the status bar does nothing.