CodeView Files

CodeView for Windows and CodeView for MS-DOS use several additional files. One of these is the executable program file that you are debugging. CodeView requires one executable (.EXE) file to load for debugging.


An .EXE-format program to debug. CodeView assumes the .EXE extension when you specify the program to load for debugging.


A program source file. Your program may consist of more than one source file. When CodeView needs to load a source file for a module at startup or when you step into a new module, it searches directories in the following order:

1.The “compiled directory.” This is the source-file path specified when you invoke the compiler.

2.The directory where the program is located.

If CodeView cannot find the source file in one of these directories, it prompts you for a directory. You can enter a new directory or press ENTER to indicate that you do not want a source file to be loaded for the module. If you do not specify a source file, you can debug only in Assembly mode.


Help files for CodeView and the Microsoft Advisor. These two files are the minimum set of files required to use Help during a CodeView session. They must be in a directory listed in the HELPFILES environment variable or in the Helpfiles entry of TOOLS.INI. You may also want to use the programming language and p-code help files.


Specifies paths for CodeView .DLL files and other files that CodeView uses. The Microsoft C/C++ SETUP program creates the file TOOLS.PRE in the directory specified in your INIT environment variable. TOOLS.PRE provides a template for the settings you must use in your TOOLS.INI file to run CodeView in your operating environment.

If CodeView cannot find the modules it needs in its own directory, it looks for entries in TOOLS.INI that specify paths for the modules it needs. You can include other settings for CodeView in TOOLS.INI.


System support .DLL for CVW.

Remote debugging requires additional files and a different configuration. The files and configuration required for remote debugging are described in “Remote Debugging” in Chapter 10.