The 8087 window displays the current status of the math coprocessor's registers and flags. If you are debugging a program that uses the software-emulated coprocessor, the emulated registers are displayed. To open the 8087 window, choose 8087 from the Windows menu or press ALT+8.
The display in the 8087 window is the same as the display produced by the 8087 (7) command, except that the window is continually updated to show the current status of the math coprocessor. For more information about the display, see the “8087” command on page 473.
If your program uses floating-point libraries provided by several Microsoft languages, or if your program does not use floating-point arithmetic, the 8087 window and 8087 command display the message:
Floating point not loaded
CodeView displays this message until at least one floating-point instruction has been executed.