This section describes the Microsoft Debugging Information Compactor (CVPACK) version 4.00. This version is a major revision of the CVPACK utility. CVPACK 4.00 prepares an executable file for use with the Microsoft CodeView debugger version 4.00. If your executable file contains debugging information for an earlier version of CodeView, you can use CVPACK to convert it for use with CodeView 4.00.
Summary: Run CVPACK only if you want to use CodeView on a file linked with another linker.
CVPACK is automatically called by LINK version 5.30 when you specify LINK's /CO option. It is also called by ILINK if the file was originally linked with /CO. You do not need to run CVPACK as a separate step. However, if you want to use CodeView 4.00 to debug a file that was built by another linker (either an earlier Microsoft linker or a third-party linker), you must run CVPACK to convert the executable file to the later CodeView format. Be sure that the executable file has not been packed by an earlier version of CVPACK; if it has, you must relink the file.