Specifying Input with LINK Prompts

If any field is missing from the LINK command line and the line does not end with a semicolon, or if any of the supplied fields are invalid, LINK prompts you for the missing or incorrect information. LINK displays one prompt at a time and waits until you respond:

Object Modules [.OBJ]:

Run File [basename.EXE]:

List File [NUL.MAP]:

Libraries [.LIB]:

Definitions File [NUL.DEF]:

The LINK prompts correspond to the command-line fields described earlier in this chapter. If you want LINK to prompt you for every input field, including objfiles, type the command LINK by itself.

Options can be entered anywhere in any field, before the semicolon if it is specified.


The default values for each field are shown in brackets. Press ENTER to accept the default, or type in the filename(s) you want. The basename is the base name of the first object file you specified. To select the default responses for all the remaining prompts and terminate prompting, type a semicolon (;) and press ENTER.

If you specify a filename without giving an extension, LINK adds the appropriate default extension. To specify a filename that does not have an extension, type a period (.) after the name.

Use a space or plus sign (+) to separate multiple filenames in the objfiles and libraries fields. To extend a long objfiles or libraries response to a new line, type a plus sign (+) as the last character on the current line and press ENTER. You can continue entering your response when the same prompt appears on a new line. Do not split a filename or a path across lines.