The Cross-Reference Listing

A cross-reference listing contains two lists in the following order:

1.An alphabetical list of all public symbols in the library. Each symbol name is followed by the name of the module in which it is defined.

2.A list of the modules in the library with the location and size of each. Under each module name is an alphabetical listing of the public symbols defined in that module.

Create a cross-reference listing by giving a name for the listing file in the listfile field of the command line or at the List file: prompt. To create it in a directory other than the current one, specify a full path for the listing file. LIB does not supply a default extension if you omit the extension. When you do not specify a filename, the default is the special file named NUL, which tells LIB not to create a listing.

The following example creates a listing called LCROSS.PUB. It does nothing else except perform a consistency check of the library file LANG.LIB.