Chapter 11 Special Member Functions

C++ defines several kinds of functions that can be declared only as class members—these are called “special member functions.” These functions affect the way objects of a given class are created, destroyed, copied, and converted into objects of other types. Another important property of many of these functions is that they can be called implicitly (by the compiler).

The special member functions are described briefly in the following list:

Constructors. These functions enable automatic initialization of objects. See “Constructors”.

Destructors. These functions perform cleanup after objects are explicitly or implicitly destroyed. See “Destructors”.

Conversion functions. These are used to convert between class types and other types. See “Conversion Functions”.

The new operator. This is used to dynamically allocate storage. See “The operator new Function”.

The delete operator. This is used to release storage allocated using the new operator. See “The operator delete Function”.

The assignment operator (operator=). This operator is used when an assignment takes place. See “Compiler-Generated Copying”.

All of the items in the preceding list can be user-defined for each class.

Special member functions obey the same access rules as other member functions. The access rules are described in Chapter 10, “Member-Access Control.” Table 11.1 is a summary of how member and friend functions behave.

Table 11.1 Summary of Function Behavior

Is Function Inherited from Base Class?
Can Function Be Virtual?
Can Function
Return a Value?

Is Function
a Member
or Friend?
Is Function Generated by the Compiler?

Constructor No No No Member Yes
Destructor No Yes No Member Yes
Conversion Yes Yes No Member No
Assignment (operator=) No Yes Yes Member Yes
Function call (operator( )) Yes Yes Yes Member No
Subscript (operator[ ]) Yes Yes Yes Member No
Member selection (–>) Yes Yes Yes Member No
Compound Assignment (+=, –=, and so on) Yes Yes, Yes Either No  
new Yes No void* Static member No
delete Yes No void Static member No
Operators not listed above Yes Yes Yes Either No
Other member functions Yes Yes Yes Member No
Friend functions No No Yes Friend No