This appendix describes the formal grammar of the C++ language, as implemented in the Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 compiler. It is loosely organized around the chapter organization of this book as follows:
The “Keywords” section describes keywords covered in Chapter 1, “Lexical Conventions.”
The “Expressions” section describes the syntax of expressions described in Chapter 4, “Expressions.”
The “Declarations” section describes the syntax of declarations described in Chapter 6, “Declarations.”
The “Declarators” section describes the syntax of declarators covered in Chapter 7, “Declarators.”
The “Classes” section covers the syntax used in declaring classes as covered in Chapter 8, “Classes.”
The “Statements” section covers the syntax used in writing statements, as covered in Chapter 5, “Statements.”
The “Preprocessor” section covers the syntax of preprocessing directives and operators, covered in Chapter 13, “Preprocessing.”
The “Microsoft Extensions” section covers the syntax of features unique to Microsoft C++. Many of these features are covered in Appendix B, “Micro-soft-Specific Modifiers.”