To use a macro (defined or not), enclose its name in parentheses preceded by a dollar sign ($), as follows:
No spaces are allowed. For example, you can use the LINKCMD macro defined as
by specifying
NMAKE replaces the specification $(LINKCMD) with LINK /map.
Summary: An undefined macro is replaced by a null string.
If the name you use as a macro has never been defined, or was previously defined but is now undefined, NMAKE treats that name as a null string. No error occurs.
The parentheses are optional if macroname is a single character. For example, $L is equivalent to $(L). However, parentheses are recommended for consistency and to avoid possible errors.
The following makefile defines and uses three macros:
program = sample
$(program).exe : $(program).obj
$(L) $(OPTIONS) $(program).obj;
NMAKE interprets the description block as
sample.exe : sample.obj
LINK sample.obj;
NMAKE replaces every occurrence of $(program) with sample, every instance of $(L) with LINK, and every instance of $(OPTIONS) with a null string.