The Search Menu

The Search menu provides commands to find strings and regular expressions in source files and to locate the definitions of labels and routines.

The following table summarizes the commands on the Search menu:

Command Purpose

Find Searches for a text string or pattern in the source file
Selected Text Searches for the selected text in the source file
Repeat Last Find Repeats the last text search
Label/Function Searches for a label or function definition in the program


The Find command displays the Find dialog box. In the Find What text box, type the text or pattern you want to find. You can also select text in a window and then choose Find. The text you selected is shown in the dialog box.

You can select options in the dialog box to modify the way CodeView searches for text. The following options are available:

Whole Word

CodeView matches the text only when it occurs as a word by itself. For example, when you search for the pattern print with the Whole Word option, CodeView finds print("eeep"), but not error_print("eeep").

Match Case

CodeView matches the text when each letter in the pattern has the same case as the source file. For example, the pattern fish matches fish, but not Fish.

Regular Expression

CodeView treats the text as a regular expression. Regular expressions provide a powerful way to specify patterns that match several different sections of text. For more information about regular expressions, see Appendix A.

To search for a regular expression in the active Source window using the Command window, you can type the Search (/) command followed by the string. CodeView searches the file starting at the current position. CodeView places the cursor on the next occurrence of the search pattern. If the end of the file is reached without finding a match, CodeView wraps around and continues searching from the beginning of the file.

Selected Text

The Selected Text command (CTRL+\) searches for the next occurrence of the selected text in the Source window.

Repeat Last Find

The Repeat Last Find command (ALT+/) searches for the next occurrence of the search pattern, including search options, you last specified.


The Label/Function command lets you search the program's symbolic information for the definition of a label or routine. When you choose Label/Function, the Find Label/Function dialog box appears. The currently selected text or the word at the cursor comes up in the Label/Function Name text box. You can search for this name or type in a different label or routine name.

When you choose OK, CodeView searches the symbolic information in the program for the name. When the label or routine name is found, CodeView positions the cursor at the name in the source file.

To view the current program location after searching, choose the first item in the Calls menu or type the Current Location (.) command in the Command window.