Public Members

Data Members

m_hFile Usually contains the operating-system file handle.  


CFile Constructs a CFile object from a path or file handle.  
~CFile Destroys the object, closing the file if it is open.  
Duplicate Constructs a duplicate object based on this file.  
Open Safely opens a file with an error-testing option.  
Close Closes a file and deletes the object.  


Read Reads (unbuffered) data from a file at the current file position.  
Write Writes (unbuffered) data in a file to the current file position.  
Flush Flushes any data yet to be written.  


Seek Positions the current file pointer.  
SeekToBegin Positions the current file pointer at the beginning of the file.  
SeekToEnd Positions the current file pointer at the end of the file.  
GetLength Obtains the length of the file.  
SetLength Changes the length of the file.  


LockRange Locks a range of bytes in a file.  
UnlockRange Unlocks a range of bytes in a file.  


GetPosition Gets the current file pointer.  
GetStatus Obtains the status of this open file.  


Rename Renames the specified file (static function).  
Remove Deletes the specified file (static function).  
GetStatus Obtains the status of the specified file (static, virtual function).  
SetStatus Sets the status of the specified file (static, virtual function).