Remote Monitor Command-Line Syntax


{RCVCOM|RCVWCOM} [[/Pport:[[rate]] ]] [[/R]]

Option Description

RCVCOM Remote monitor for MS-DOS.
RCVWCOM Remote monitor for Windows.
/P Parameters. The specified settings override any settings made in TOOLS.INI.
port: Communications port. Must be COM1: or COM2:. The default setting is COM1:.
rate Bit rate. Specifies the rate at which to drive the port, up to 19,200 bits per second (bps). To specify a rate, you must also specify a port. There can be no space between port: and rate. You must specify the same bit rate for the host and target.
  The default rate is 9600 bits per second. The possible rates are 50, 75, 110, 150, 300, 1200, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, and 19,200 bps.
/R Resident. The monitor stays running when the host debugger exits. When /R is not specified, the monitor terminates when the host debugger exits.


To start the remote monitor for several MS-DOS debugging sessions that use the COM2 port at 2400 bits per second, type the command:

RCVCOM /P COM1:2400 /R

Remote Monitor Settings in TOOLS.INI

You can set default parameters for the MS-DOS and Windows remote monitors in TOOLS.INI. If you do not specify parameters on the command line, the monitors look for TOOLS.INI in the directory specified by the INIT environment variable. You must place the settings for the remote monitors in tagged sections of TOOLS.INI. Settings for RCVCOM appear in the [RCVCOM] tagged section; settings for RCVWCOM appear in the [RCVWCOM] tagged section.

The remote monitors recognize a single Parameters entry. The syntax for this entry is:


Parameters: [[port:[[rate]]]]

You specify the port and rate as for the /P command-line option. The command-line option overrides the TOOLS.INI settings.