Chapter 4 Phone Book: A Simple Windows Database

Chapter 2 showed how to use the Microsoft Foundation Class Library to build a data model for a simple name and phone number database. Chapter 3 showed how to use the Microsoft Foundation Classes to build a simple Microsoft Windows user interface.

This chapter and the two chapters following it show how to integrate the data model from Chapter 2 and the Windows user interface from Chapter 3. In these chapters, you'll write a larger Windows application to put a Windows interface on the name and phone number database. You'll begin with the Hello program from Chapter 3 as a template and build new functionality on top of it by adding more menus, by creating more complicated dialog boxes, and by providing keyboard and mouse interaction.

The three chapters cover the following topics:

Chapter 4: How to use Hello as a template. How to create a simplified interface to the CPerson data.

Chapter 5: How to add dialog boxes for editing data and for file opening, saving, and printing.

Chapter 6: How to write the main window class and message map. How to add message-handler functions, including handlers for menus, the keyboard, and the mouse. How to prepare the supporting files. How to build the Phone Book program.